Due to a slight change in hotel policy, LLS: SUMMERWEEN will be reopening registration for 10 days for Attendees, with a few stipulations!
LLS will open May 15th to May 25th --- that’s 10 days only
Attendee must get their room at the host hotel in 48 hours (you do not pay anything for your reservation, so this will not affect your accounts!)
Please note: anyone registering in this time frame may NOT room with someone else already attending the con.
There is a Limited amount of tickets available, and once May 25th hits, we will be closed till the reopen date for 2022 tickets and info!
If you were hoping to attend, now is the time to get involved!
Ticket link will go live on May 15th at 10am EST!
(And Authors…. Even though we cannot accept more signing authors, we do suggest that if you would like to join us in 2022 you attend as a reader, in order to be better prepared for the scope and enormity of the event, and what authors are required to do. Please know, if you have NEVER been to this event, you do not know what is in store. No other event in the industry is this involved or this rewarding.
There is no problem with you promoting at the con, and possibly being on panels but due to information already in place we cannot add tables for the signing. Attend, promote, and get them ready for you in 2022… You will still make sales while there… MANY of our readers have a tendency to hang out and grab ebooks while they sit and talk on their ereaders!
P.S. I am doing something special for this round of registration. Stay tuned in the days ahead for more information and your chance to win!
Until next time,